Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't wrote a new post I have been extremely busy, but I'm back! :) I'm sure everybody is excited for Summer. Time off school, hang out with friends and family, take a dip in the pool, vacations, etc. Though some people were telling me how they don't enjoy Summer as much as others do. They don't spend time at home because they go to Summer Camp for the whole Summer. When school starts back up again they go back to school of course. But people tell me they enjoy Summer Camp, how they make new friends, play games and it's a lot of fun! I'm not sure if I would like it because I am very attached to my home, family, and my friends and the town I live in and everything around me! Sometimes I do wonder if I would enjoy camp to make new friends but I think I would be to homesick. Getting back to the point, some people think that they don't get to spend any time at home because they get sent to camp for the summer. So as advise for these people, Talk to your Parents and say that you would like to spend time at home with the family and friends. Say that camp is good (or if you don't like it say you don't enjoy it) but you want your summer to be about you, your friends, your family. See if they say yes to staying at home. If you want ideas what to do here is a list...
1. Take a Dip in The Pool
2. Hang out with some Friends
3. Go play Outside (Some sports, with pets, watch the clouds, play in the rain)
4. Of course, all us tweens and teens cannot forget computer! (social networking)
5. Hang with the family
6. Go do some Arts and Crafts
7. Watch a Movie
8. Do some writing or reading (Write a story or read a good book on a gloomy day)
9. Eat a snack
10. Play a board game
There you go! Plenty of things to do during summer so you shouldn't get bored because I'm sure you have even more things to do for this Summer!
~Arianna <3
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